The abstracts must be written in LaTeX using the templates downloadable below and must be submitted electronically to before January 31, 2018.

To submit your abstract please use the following template for LaTeX and submit it (in .tex and .pdf files) with the subject "Abstract WBPA18".

The proceedings of the workshop will be published in a special issue in Stochastic Models, being the guest editors Miguel González, Manuel Molina and Inés M. del Puerto. The papers (about 10 or 15 pages) must be written in LaTeX. There is not template tex file, so that that you should use plain tex by following the instructions for authors given in website of the journal ( The paper must be submitted electronically to Miguel ( before AUGUST, 31 2018.


- Romain Abraham, Penalization of Galton-Watson processes
- Krishna B. Athreya, Limit distribution of the discounted income chart for a supercritical GWB tree
- Frank Ball, Epidemics in populations with demography and importation of infectives
- Vincent Bansaye, Scaling limits of discrete population models with random environment and interactions
- Thomas Bruss, Immigration and Cohabitation in Resource-Dependent Branching Processes
- Jean-François Delmas, Asymptotic properties of expansive Galton-Watson trees
- Clément Foucart, Continuous-State Branching Processes with Competition: Duality and Reflection at Infinity
- Antonio Gómez-Corral, Extreme values in epidemic models with two strains of a disease
- Miguel González, Approximate Bayesian computation for Y-linked two-sex branching processes with mutations
- Sophie Hautphenne, Extinction in block lower Hessenberg branching processes with countably many types
- Göran Högnäs, On the life-time of a size-dependent branching process
- Peter Jagers, How might a population have started?
- Götz Kersting, Classifying branching processes in varying environment
- Marek Kimmel, Nonexponential moments, heavy distribution tails, and criticality conditions in models of cancer secondary tumors
- Fima Klebaner, Random initial conditions in fluid limits
- Pei-Sen Li, The continuous-state non-linear branching process
- Zenghu Li, Continuous-state branching processes with dependent immigration
- Nikolaos Limnios, On Diffusion Approximation of Branching Processes
- José Alfredo López-Mimbela, Some asymptotic properties of branching particle systems
- Polina Makhmutova, Branching Random Walks and their Applications for Epidemic Modelling
- Carmen Minuesa, A note on branching processes in varying environment with generation-dependent immigration
- John F. Moreno, Financial market model based on randomly indexed branching processes and Hawkes processes
- Peter Olofsson, Muller's Ratchet in Populations Doomed to Extinction

- Gyula Pap, Regularly varying Galton-Watson processes with immigration
- Juan Carlos Pardo, Extinction time of CB-processes with competition in a Lévy random environment
- Sophie Pénisson, Can excessive mutation prevent adaptive evolution? A multitype branching process model
- Inés M. del Puerto, Robust estimation in controlled branching processes: Bayesian estimators via disparities
- Ibrahim Rahimov, Statistical inference for non-explosive branching processes based on partial observations
- Uwe Roesler, All solutions of the stochastic fixed point equation of the quicksort process
- Maroussia N. Slavtchova-Bojkova, Computational Modelling of Methastasis Development in Cancer Evolution
- Charline Smadi, Extinction rate of continuous state branching processes in critical Lévy random environments
- Valentin Topchii, Properties of multitype critical Bellman–Harris processes having life-length tails of different orders.
- Plamen Trayanov, Numerical and Simulation methods for solving integral equations in Branching Processes
- Vladimir Vatutin, Reduced critical processes for small populations
- Anand N. Vidyashankar, Regularized Inference for Branching processes data
- Sumit K. Yadav, Criticality and Forefather distribution in a variant of Galton Watson Branching Process
- Nikolay M. Yanev, Poisson Random Measures and Multitype Branching Processes
- Elena Yarovaya, Asymptotic Behavior of Stochastic Particle Systems