Registration Fees

Before February, 15

150 euros

After February, 15 until March, 27

200 euros

Payment Method: By Bank transfer

Swift Code
Account number
IBAN number
Banco Santander
Universidad de Extremadura
0049 6147 6322 1001 2477
ES74 0049 6147 6322 1001 2477
Oficina 6147. Avenida de Elvas, s/n. Universidad de Extremadura. 06006 Badajoz.

Please write in the concept of your transfer your name and the name of the Workshop (for instance: Inés M. de Puerto WBPA18) and send us a scanned copy of the bank transfer via email to

The organization, if it is preferred, can book the accommodation with special prices. The total cost of the booking will be paid during the stay. We propose these two places close enough to go walking to the University.
You must fill up your preference in the registration form:


Single Room
Double Room
Hotel AC Badajoz 64.50 euros
75.50 euros
University Residence
25 euros, subject to availability

BuBuffet breakfast and vat included